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Individual aims of AÜW GmbH

By participating in the project, the Allgäuer Überlandwerk GmbH is aiming to:

  • Test the use of electric vehicles to the extent envisaged by the German government for 2020 in a real-life distribution network.
  • Optimize the design of distribution networks with e-mobility and renewable energy in mind.
  • Research how much metering and control technology will be required in the distribution network to cope with fluctuating loads.
  • Develop forecasting models and development scenarios for feed-in, usage and e-mobility.
  • Set up simulation technology, including a scenario database for partially automated grid computation.
  • Identify ways of improving operation and control of the grid.
  • Use cost-effective information and communication technologies as tools for smart grids.
  • Develop future market models.
  • Increase economic potential by creating value regionally.
  • Identify grid disturbances resulting from the use of renewable energy and electric vehicles.